Sunday, October 19, 2008

Descending the bus,
I set of on a stroll which changed a part of me.
Starting off with quick paced foot steps and a silent mind,
Ending up in a slow stroll and a thought filled mind.

Why have I never noticed,
How simple life could be...

If only you did not worry,
About what was to be.
Let things go at it's own pace,
Like how I strolled at my own.

If only you could see,
Trying to stand out is futile,
No one notices things when it's alone.
Like the autumn trees,
Each parading it's own colour,
And yet they look best together.

If only you could take,
A simple break; Even a minute will do,
To just listen to the silence.
How something so unnoticed,
Can bring so much to the mind.
Like the silence during my stroll,
There was the occasional sounds of car's and children,
But yet when you really listen,
The silence is there.
Lying in the background,
Not rushing you to realize it's existence
And yet the moment I realized,
It had so much to say that I was engulfed in silence.

If one would put away grudges,
And befriend one's enemy.
Like the little kids,
Who hated their mother,
When she stopped them from playing,
And yet cheered with joy,
When they heard about dinner.

Life could really be simple,
If we would just allow it to be.
Taking a simple stroll,
Helped made mine simpler.

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