Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Sometimes it takes time.
Time to get used to things,
Time to move on,
Time to let go,
And time to grow up.
But memories are frozen in time.

Something seems to be wrong with my blogger... I can't change colour... or font size... or the position of the text... HELP???

Class Started last Wednesday...


Greek and Roman Mythology

Writing 109: World of Film and books... something like that... the name is so decieving... thought i was gonna learn how to write scripts and books... end up it a class to watch movie and discuss movies... exam is MCQ... woots... coolest class ever XD

Japanese: still on waiting list... might not get it =.="

Waited 17 years and 11 month, one more month to reach 18 - the legal age in Msia...
Smartly went to a country where 19 is the legal age.. One more year and one more month to go =.="

Someone pls teach me how to fix this blogger!!! =.="

Moving on whilst holding on.

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